Magdalene Players News

Below you will find the latest news items from the Magdalene Players.

Auditions for The Seagull!

Don't miss out on being part of our next production. The read through and auditions will be week commencing 3 June: 

Monday 3rd June 8pm - Readthrough
Thursday 6th June 8pm - Auditions

It is being directed by Simon Brumfit, who just did an amazing job in Lord Arthur Savill's Crime! Join our lovely theatre community!
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Pictures from Sleeping Beauty

Some shots from our recent panto! 

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Sleeping Beauty Success!

Thank you to everyone who supported Magdalene Players recent panto, Sleeping Beauty! It was a huge success and the cast loved sharing it with the local community. Thank you to everyone who came to support the local theatre group!

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Cast Announced for Sleeping Beauty!!




Anna Gent


Guy Johnson


Isabella Skellett

Ann T Septic

David Ashton

Ian Jection

Rob Scheele

Wilhemina Wartface

Liz O'Donovan

Prince Skye

Claire Walshe

Fairy Nuff, Fairy Fluff, Fairy Puff

Isabel Bayfield, Hannah Cory, Chiara Toffolo

Lock, Stock, Barrel

Ella Roy, Meadow Williams, Hebe Lawson

Pompous Pugh

Harriett Houghton

Haughty Hugh

Anya Roy

Paul the Preacher

Mark McCahill

Old Narrators

Mark McCahill, Rachel Ann Bayford

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Auditions for Sleeping Beauty

Performance Dates: Thursday- Sunday 1st – 4th February 2024 

Performance Venue: St Mary Magdalene Hall, Trinity Road, Wandsworth Common, SW17 7HP

Adult Auditions (14+): Monday 6th November 23 from 8pm




Gutsy princess who is full of life until she falls asleep.


Beattie’s father, who blusters his way through life, only interested in inventions and Beattie.


His wife, in control and domineering

Ann T Septic

Dame who is the incompetent nursemaid to Beattie when a baby.  Confident but lazy.

Ian Jection

Her son.  Busy chap who is popular and hard working.  Friend of the audience!

Wilhemina Wartface

Evil relative of the King who wants to take over the kingdom.

Prince Skye

Down on his luck and down-trodden by his mother.  Falls in love with Beattie.

Fairy Nuff, Fairy Fluff, Fairy Puff

Protectors of the kingdom, wise and kind, though Puff is not fully trained!

Lock, Stock, Barrel

Passing chancers, who find employment with Wilhemina.

Pompous Pugh

Chamberlain who has trouble getting his words out.

Haughty Hugh

Chamberlain’s sidekick who prompts Pugh.

Paul the Preacher

Busy cleric who is often engaged – on the phone.

Old Narrators

Elderly folk who set the scene who turn out to be Old Beattie and Old Skye.

Everyone welcome. No preparation required, turn up and have some fun! 

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The Magdalene Players

The Magdalene Players are an Amateur Drama Group based in Wandsworth, London, England. We have been performing at the St Mary Magdalene Church Hall in London, SW17 7HP since 1980.

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Contact Us

Box Office: 07376 085078
Follow us:
Instagram: @magdaleneplayers
Facebook: The Magdalene Players

St Mary Magdalene Church Hall
Trinity Road
SW17 7HP


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