by Anthony Marriott & Alistair Foot, 1971
Show dates 13th - 15th October 2016
This riotous comedy notched up a rather impressive sixteen year run in the West End! Peter and Frances are looking forward to respectable married life together. However due to an unfortunate mix-up with the Scandinavian Import Company, Peter and Frances find themselves inundated with pornography.
Peter Hunter has everything... a new wife, a great job at the bank, and a lovely flat above it. Due to a small misunderstanding between his wife Frances and the "Scandinavian Import Company", however, all of this may be in jeopardy. Add to the mix his snobbish mother, his boss, two prostitutes, several consignments of "top shelf" literature, the police and a bank inspector, and you have a recipe for comic genius. Join Peter as his tries to undo the mess his wife inadvertantly got into, while hiding several boxes of dirty postcards, magazines and video tapes, and also attempting to divert the amorous advances his boss makes on his mother.